

1963    Born in Buenos Aires.

1988    Graduated as Architect in the Buenos Aires University.

1987 - 97 Studied painting with Roberto Bosco and Alberto Ferrara.

1998    Worked as member and teacher at the workshop ” La Carpintería”.

2000    Works and teaches in his own studio in Núñez, Buenos Aires.


2011 Euroidiomas Gallery, Lima, Perú

Expotrastiendas, A. Perotti Gallery, Buenos Aires

2010 Alejandra Perotti Gallery, Buenos Aires

Opera Gallery, Collective exhibition,Miami, E.E.U.U.

Controlled slippers, Collective exhibition, Recoleta cultural center, Buenos Aires.

Expotrastiendas, Modo 7 Gallery, Buenos Aires

2009    Modo 7 Gallery, collective exhibition, Miami, USA.

Expotrastiendas 2009, Modo 7 Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Contexto Art Gallery, collective exhibition, Buenos Aires.

Modo 7 Gallery, Buenos Aires.

2008    Sharon Gallery, collective exhibition, León, Spain.

Est Gallery, collective exhibition, Santander, Spain.

Piso Uno Gallery, La Plata.

Arteclásica 2008, Dominguez Art dealer, Buenos Aires.

2007    Argentine Painters, Texoart, collective exhibition, Miami, USA.

L´Indicatore Gallery, Primaverile Romana, Rome, Italy.

2006    Guicciardino Palace, collective exhibition, Milan, Italy.

Senato Gallery, Milan, Italy.

Amancio Gallery, Buenos Aires.

2005    Pegasus Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Italarte Gallery, collective exhibition, Rome, Italy

2004    PetroPerú gallery, collective exhibition, Lima, Perú,

Pegasus Gallery, collective exhibition, Buenos Aires

2003   El Socorro Gallery, Buenos Aires

2002    Giesso Space. Collective exhibition, Buenos aires

2001    Buenos Aires Culture house, Vicente López.

2000    Esmeralda Gallery, Buenos Aires.

1999    Esmeralda Gallery, Buenos Aires.

Time and Space Gallery, Buenos Aires.

1996    Irurtia Museum, Buenos Aires.

1995    Andreani Foundation , Buenos Aires.

1994    San Martín Cultural Center, Buenos Aires.

MOA Foundation, Buenos Aires.

1992    Philosophy and Letters Faculty, Buenos Aires University.